Committees with Faculty Representation
Below is a list of standing committees and task forces across SPC with faculty representation for the 2023-24 academic year. If you learn of a new committee which is not listed, please reach out to with the name of the committee and the primary contact (chair or co-chairs), so the committee can be added to the list. If you are interested in serving on a committee or task force, please talk to your dean.
Academic Department, School, or College-level
Each department/school/college will have committees and task forces unique to their departmental needs. Possible committees are a textbook committee and a curriculum committee, and academic integrity or student code of conduct case representation. Please speak with your dean for more information about which departmental committees are available for faculty participation.
Academic Affairs
Standing Committees
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Board of Directors – Melissa McAllister
The CETL Board of Directors provides guidance and support to the Academic Director in meeting CETL’s mission of supporting, recognizing, and rewarding faculty in the pursuit of excellence in teaching, learning, and assessment to promote student success at SPC.
Curriculum & Instruction – Angela Ashe & Teri Trede
The purpose of the Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) Committee is to review curriculum proposals against the standards of student focus, academic quality, structural integrity, and articulation assurance and recommend actions to the Vice President of Academic Affairs to ensure that SPC’s academic programs facilitate student success.
Honors Program Advisory Council – Earl Fratus
The committee meets once a year or as needed to discuss strategic directions of the Honors Program. All faculty teaching Honors courses as well as the general education deans are invited to participate in committee decisions.
Research Review Committee – Sabrina Crawford
The Research Review Committee is comprised of PhD faculty and staff who review all inquiries regarding research on the College or its students.
Simple Syllabus Committee – Timothy Godcharles
This committee meets to discuss ongoing changes to the Simple Syllabus product and internal processes.
SPC Reads Committee – Maria Barakovskykh & Joy Scholing (2024-25 Chairs)
This committee meets to decide a theme, nominate and shortlist titles, and plan events for the yearly SPC Reads program.
Turnitin Taskforce – Matthew Bodie
The purpose of the Turnitin Taskforce is to review the utility of Turnitin versus other products.
Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) Committee –Matthew Bodie & Jennifer Gregor
The purpose of the URE committee is to organize the annual URE Symposium.
Welcome Titans Planning Committee -- Joe Leopold & Tashika Griffith (2023)
The Welcome Titans Planning Committee organizes the annual Welcome Titans event in August. This is co-chaired by an Academic Dean and a Campus Provost to welcome College faculty and leadership to the start of the academic year.
College-wide or Multi-Division Committees and Task Forces
Academic Excellence (Strategic Plan) – Susan Demers, Leslie Hafer, Shannon Ulrich
This is one of the five strategic plan task forces that support the implementation of the current institutional strategic plan.
Better Jobs. Better Lives. Task Force – Matthew Liao-Troth
The Better Jobs. Better Lives. task force is establishing a framework to ensure all students are able to earn a living wage upon graduation from an A.S. program or to transfer to a Florida university as a junior upon graduation from an A.A. program. This work is a collaboration between Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Workforce.
Campus Incident Response Teams – Bill Grey & Dan Barto
SPC utilizes the Incident Command System which includes Campus Incident Response Teams made up of security, administration, facilities, faculty, and other employees.
Communications Committee – Lise Fisher & Teresa Phoenix
The Communications Committee is a cross-departmental group focused on enhancing SPC’s organizational communications, processes, strategies, and platforms.
Community Engagement (Strategic Plan) – Mark Strickland, Tara Newsome
This is one of the five strategic plan task forces that support the implementation of the current institutional strategic plan.
Discovery Day Planning Committee – Phi Nguyen
The Discovery Day Planning Committee works with Organizational Effectiveness and Success to implement the annual Discovery Day event in October. Discovery Day provides professional development for all full-time College employees.
Economic Mobility (Strategic Plan) – Jackie Skryd, Belinthia Berry, and Kellie Ziemak
This is one of the five strategic plan task forces that support the implementation of the current institutional strategic plan.
Employee Experience & Engagement (Strategic Plan) – Rod Davis and Darryl Wright-Greene
This is one of the five strategic plan task forces that support the implementation of the current institutional strategic plan.
Financial Vitality (Strategic Plan) – Janette Hunt & Hector Lora
This is one of the five strategic plan task forces that support the implementation of the current institutional strategic plan.
Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee – Anna Hays
Faculty members who donate to the SPC Foundation are invited to serve on the SPC Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee to select the students who will receive an SPC scholarship for the next term.
Information Technology Advisory Group (ITAG) – Patrick Rinard
ITAG’s primary purpose is to ensure that Information Technology initiatives are prioritized appropriately and that the respective needs of all College stakeholders have been considered.
Learning Management System (LMS) Committee – Chris Harvey
The LMS Committee reviewed and evaluated three LMS systems in Fall 2023. The LMS Committee will offer support during the migration of D2L (MyCourses) to Canvas through Spring 2025.
Mental Health Task Force – Shanya Turner, Program Manager
The task force meets to discuss and make decisions regarding the Student Mental Health and Wellness Program.
Rules and Policies Advisory Group (RPAG) – Tom Kelley
This committee is responsible for ensuring all BOT Rules and Procedures are reviewed on a continuous basis.
SPC Day Planning Committee – Theresa McFarland
SPC Day Planning Committee plans and organizes the events for SPC Day each year.
Systems Optimization and Redesign (SOAR) – Eva Christensen
This committee focuses on the technical side of projects occurring across the college.
Threat Assessment Teams – Bill Grey & Dan Barto
SPC has adopted Threat Assessment procedures developed by the US Department of Education and the Secret Service and includes team members from security, administration, faculty, and other employees.

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