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Bright IDEAS for Teaching January Webinar: Faculty’s Role in Supporting Student Agency

Faculty’s Role in Supporting Student Agency through Voice, Choice, and Ownership

Student success in higher education often depends on their ability to reflect, learn from feedback, apply theory, and incorporate deliberate practice to improve their skills, as discussed in Angela Duckworth’s book Grit. Similarly, Carol Dweck’s work on growth mind-set highlights the importance of students viewing their capabilities as open to development through dedication and hard work. Both authors emphasize the circular relationship between learning and agency, where students who believe in their capacity to be agents of learning are more likely to engage in learning activities.

The goal of higher education is to help students develop a broad range of knowledge and personal development while preparing them for future jobs and citizenship. To achieve this goal, it is important to provide students with opportunities to develop their self-efficacy, or the belief in their ability to influence the path of their own life.

In our recent webinar on student agency, we discussed how faculty can support student voice, choice, and ownership.


    Voice refers to the ability for students to have a say in their own learning and express themselves in the classroom or course. By sharing their thoughts and opinions, students feel acknowledged and respected, leading to more engagement and motivation.

    Faculty can support student voice by:

    • Regularly facilitating student input through discussions, surveys, and emails
    • Allowing students the chance to share their thoughts and work in a discussion forum
    • Teaching skills of self-expression and modeling being authentic
    • Creating a safe classroom environment where students feel a sense of belonging and mutual respect


    Choice refers to the ability for students to make decisions about their own learning. By making good choices, students can increase their intrinsic motivation and develop their critical thinking skills.

    Faculty can support student choice by:

    • Providing opportunities for students to make decisions about their own learning
    • Encouraging students to set their own goals and be accountable for their actions
    • Creating low-risk environments for students to try and even fail
    • Providing students with feedback and opportunities for reflection


    Ownership refers to the ability for students to take responsibility for their own learning. By taking ownership, students can become deliberate agents of their own learning.

    Faculty can support student ownership by: 

    • Encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning
    • Providing opportunities for students to apply theory and practice
    • Allowing students to create their own projects and assignments
    • Encouraging students to reflect on their learning and set goals for improvement

    Overall, faculty can support student voice, choice, and ownership by providing opportunities for students to make decisions, take responsibility, and express themselves in a safe and supportive learning environment. By fostering a growth mindset and belief in their capacity for agency, students can become deliberate agents of their own learning and achieve their full potential.


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