SPC Library

First Friday Experience. Sign up now!

We all know accessibility is important. We also know that it can be intimidating to face “fixing” or “creating” content that meets all of the necessary guidelines. Join us for the Fall First Friday Experience to:

  1. Learn about accessibility and what that really means in your classes; and
  2. Learn to be a pro at utilizing the newest tech tool, Ally, to create, polish and maintain accessible content for your students.

 This 4-part series will include:

Day 1 – 9/3: Brief introduction to accessibility and an interactive exercise to identify and make your first improvements.

Day 2 – 10/1: Formal training from Krista Greear, an Ally trainer.

Day 3 – 11/5: Formal training from Krista Greear, an Ally trainer.

Day 4 – 12/3: Wrap-Up and Reflection


A few more things to note about this series:

  • This is cohort based and seating is limited to only 30 participants per semester. There will be another opportunity in the Spring (with only 30 seats).
  • This is hands-on and specifically designed to help you improve your skills – not just listen to another speech about why accessibility is important!
  • If you cannot make the first session on 9/3 but you want to participate and attend the other events, please sign up anyway. You can watch the recording to get caught up and then join us in the remaining sessions. Please be sure to click the link at the bottom to register.
  • Unless something significantly changes, these session will all be via Zoom.
  • Once you register, you will receive a calendar invite with the login information for the first session.


REGISTER NOW FOR SESSIONS 2, 3, and 4:  https://web.spcollege.edu/survey/32483

Watch the video of the first session: Day 1 Recording

Sep 7, 2021
